Key team members take the roles of Associate Partner and Chief Investment Officer at Pacific Channel

December 18, 2023

We are proud to announce the well-deserved promotions of two exceptional team members who have played instrumental roles in the success of Pacific Channel and our portfolio companies.

Dr Ashwath Sundaresan will take on the role of Associate Partner, and Dr Rob Powell will assume the responsibilities of Chief Investment Officer.


Dr Ashwath Sundaresan: Associate Partner

In recognition of Ash’s outstanding contributions to our portfolio companies, we are thrilled that Ash has now assumed the position of Associate Partner. Over the course of his time at Pacific Channel, Ash has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership, strategic thinking and specialised expertise in the clean tech, climate tech and advanced engineering sectors.

With a passion for deep tech companies focusing on the future of our environment, Ash brings a wealth of knowledge and proficiency, particularly in the clean tech space, where he has been instrumental in identifying and supporting groundbreaking technologies.  As an associate partner, Ash will continue to bring innovative insights and a keen understanding of market trends to guide our investment strategies.

We are confident and excited about the pivotal role he will play in shaping the future of deep tech in New Zealand.

 In this article, Ash gives us his insights into his passion and commitment to driving deep tech: Dr Ashwath Sundaresan channels his thinking

Dr Rob Powell: Chief Investment Officer

Equally, we are very pleased to announce Dr Rob Powell has now taken on the role of Chief Investment Officer. Rob is an integral member of Pacific Channel, consistently exhibiting a high level of expertise and a deep understanding of the science at the core of the complex solutions that our portfolio companies are developing.

As Chief Investment Officer, Rob will lead our investment team in identifying and analysing new opportunities that fit within our investment focus of food, health and the environment, while also working closely with our portfolio companies to ensure their continued growth and success. He will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the investment strategy of Pacific Channel, driving innovation, and delivering exceptional value to our stakeholders.

Here's a video of Rob talking about the process the team go through when assessing an potential investment: Dr Robert Powell On Assessing Investments


Exciting Times Ahead

These new roles for Ash & Rob come at an exciting time for Pacific Channel as we continue to strengthen our position as New Zealand’s leading deep tech venture capital company.

We look forward to the continued growth and success that these talented individuals will undoubtedly bring to selecting and building our portfolio companies as they seek to solve some really hard problems facing our future and make a global impact



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