Tāmata Hauhā - realising an uptapped opportunity

July 23, 2023

In October 2021, we conceptualised and helped Blair Jamieson and Lance Iwikau establish Tāmata Hauhā, an organisation focused on assisting Māori land, its people and their prosperity - he whenua, he tangāta, he taurikura. This is a project our Pacific Channel team is very proud to be involved with.  

Click here to view the story behind the establishment of Tāmata Hauhā which was featured on the leading current affairs programme TVNZ Sunday BRANCHING OUT

Tāmata Hauhā realises an untapped opportunity to support Māori landowners to improve their land holdings and fulfil the aspirations they have for their land and whānau.

Many of us are unaware that over 1.4m hectares of Māori owned land is classified as marginal land which makes it hard to farm, except for forestry. The complexities surrounding Māori land ownership structures often mean the whānau don’t have, or can’t get, the funding to turn unproductive land into something more valuable and something that could benefit future generations, socially and economically. 

Tāmata Hauhā partners with Māori landowners along their journey and by providing them with the right capital, resources, expertise, and knowledge, can assist them to make their whenua more valuable. This isn’t about giving hand-outs or providing funding and walking away, it’s a true partnership that not only involves investing in making the more productive but also investing in the people and in our country.

In simple terms, the value is derived from planting forestry.  Trees are an enabler - they provide jobs, cash flow, opportunities, and thereby intergenerational wealth. For land that is currently unproductive, planting forestry will deliver returns in excess of an estimated $16bn into our economy by 2050.

Trees also have a critical role in addressing our climate emergency as sequestering carbon from forestry reduces our greenhouse gases at a level incomparable with any other mechanism.

Under the Emissions Trading Scheme, forests generate New Zealand Units which can be sold to greenhouse gas emitters on the open market. e land

To date, Tāmata Hauhā has invested in over  Māori incorporations and trusts, their whenua, people, future prosperity, and the outcomes they want to achieve. From the Far North to the Catlins, more than 2 million trees have been planted for carbon sequestration, improving biodiversity, Rongoa (medicinal) purposes, as well as transitioning scrub or exotics over a 30+- year period back to native forest.

While partnering with Māori landowners is a15t the heart of Tāmata Hauhā, the team also works with a wide range of landowners who are looking at how they can improve their land and returns through approaches such as agroforestry.

In the words of Blair Jamieson, founder & CEO:

It's got nothing to do with the trees, its got everything to do with the opportunity. To see people having a chance to change generational outcomes is everything.

If you are interested in learning more about Tāmata Hauhā and the available investment opportunities, please get in touch with Richard Pinfold richard@pacificchannel.com



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